Key Dates
Since the installation of the webcam in 2016 we have been able to monitor the progress of the adults and their clutch. This has enabled us to compile data on the egg-laying and hatching dates, and the number of days from the laying of the penultimate egg to first hatching. These observations provide invaluable insight into the breeding ecology of the Wakefield peregrines.
Normal peregrine clutches are three to four eggs, with two or three hatching. The information gathered for the 2016 and 2017 breeding seasons shows the eggs were laid within a 1-day window. However, in 2018 the eggs were laid around 10 days later. The exact reason for this is unknown, but a theory is that the female was put off entering the nestbox by the sight of the newly installed webcam, which was white. The webcam was covered in dark tape and the female entered the nestbox shortly afterwards.
The below chart shows data gathered between 2015 – 2020.

This table is available as a .pdf – click here.